Synchronous Online Courses
Synchronous Online: Class meetings via Zoom/Teams (or similar) at scheduled meeting times.
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- ART 108 - Visual Technologies
- ART 203 - Illustration
- ART 328 - Photographic Theory
- ART 331 - Art, Society, and Mass Media
- ART 333 - History of Chicana/O/X Art &Cu
- ART 420 - Adv Artistic Problems: 2D
- ART 422 - Adv Art Prob:Digital Media Art
- ART 435 - Contemporary Art-1970-Present
- ASL 102 - American Sign Language Ii
- ASTR 107 - The Stars and Beyond
- BIOL 503 - Biotech Law and Regulation
- BIOL 513 - Cell Culture Facility Mgmt
- BIOL 590 - Special Topics in Biotechnolog
- BUS 349 - History of Business/Economics
- BUS 500 - Economics for Managers
- BUS 502 - Quantitative Methods
- BUS 540 - Account Mang Decision Making
- BUS 545 - Strategic Marketing Management
- CHIN 101 - Elementary Chinese I
- CHS 320 - Gender & Sexuality Chicana/O
- CHS 333 - History of Chicana/O/X Art &Cu
- CHS 343 - Health in Latina/O Community
- COMM 345 - Media Literacy and Youth
- COMM 442 - Organizational Communication
- COMP 110 - Comp Literacy for Educators
- COMP 354 - Analysis of Algorithms
- COMP 362 - Operating Systems
- COMP 420 - Database Theory and Design
- COMP 546 - Pattern Recognition
- ECON 349 - History of Business/Economics
- ECS 150 - Foundations of Child & Adolesc
- EDML 416 - Foundations of Bilingual Educ
- EDUC 345 - Media Literacy and Youth
- EDUC 475 - Language in Social Context
- EMEC 310 - Electronics
- ENGL 433 - Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgend
- ENGL 475 - Language in Social Context
- ESRM 300 - Coastal Contaminants Ecotoxico
- GEND 433 - Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgend
- HIST 333 - History of Chicana/O/X Art &Cu
- HIST 349 - History of Business/Economics
- HIST 361 - History of Mod Latin America
- HIST 499 - Capstone in History
- HLTH 343 - Health in Latina/O Community
- IT 420 - Database Theory and Design
- LS 110 - Comp Literacy for Educators
- MATH 354 - Analysis of Algorithms
- MATH 546 - Pattern Recognition
- MATH 587 - Markov Chains and Processes
- NRS 230 - Care Mothers, Infants, Women
- NRS 343 - Health in Latina/O Community
- PA 210 - Underst Dance & Music Elem Edu
- PHYS 107 - The Stars and Beyond
- PHYS 310 - Electronics
- PHYS 404 - Electromagnetism
- PHYS 546 - Pattern Recognition
- POLS 300 - Pol Sci Research Methods
- POLS 310 - Stats Applic in Polic Science
- POLS 494 - Independent Research
- PSY 150 - Foundations of Child & Adolesc
- PSY 300 - Psych Res & Stats Methds I
- PSY 301 - Psych Res & Stats Meth Ii
- PSY 314 - Behavioral Neuroscience
- SOC 334 - Gender and Sexuality
- SPED 410 - Typical Atypical Development
- UNIV 210 - Critical Think & Univ Mission
- UNIV 300 - Univ Life/College Success Xfr
- UNIV 350D - Transfer Year Seminar D
- UNIV 490 - Special Topics