No Cost Course Materials
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- ART 329 - Ceramics Theory and Process
- ART 332 - Multicultural Art Movements
- ART 333 - History of Chicana/O/X Art &Cu
- ART 355 - Latin Amer Arts & Cult 1800
- ART 421 - Adv Artistic Problems: 3D
- ART 494 - Directed Independent Study
- ART 499 - Arts Capstone Project
- BIOL 203 - Statistics for Biologists
- BIOL 335 - The Biosphere
- BUS 203 - Intro to Social Business
- CHS 333 - History of Chicana/O/X Art &Cu
- CHS 349 - Chic/Latin Education
- COMM 211 - Data Literacy
- COMM 335 - Politics and Film
- ECON 203 - Intro to Social Business
- ECS 101 - Intro to Early Childhood Educ
- ECS 150 - Foundations of Child & Adolesc
- ECS 221 - Child and Family in Diverse Co
- ECS 310 - Steam in Early Childhood
- ECS 320 - Teaching & Learning Prgms Ecs
- ECS 322 - Early Childhood Prgm Admn
- ECS 325 - Typical & Atypical Development
- ECS 456 - Family & Community Engagement
- ECS 460 - Infant/Toddler Educaring
- ECS 461 - Infant/Toddler Student Teach &
- ECS 462 - Supporting Dual Language Learn
- ECS 463 - Creat Supp Recip Fam Comm Net
- ECS 468 - Early Lang: Lit & Math Dev 3-8
- ECS 470 - Teach&Learn Preschool/Primary
- ECS 471 - Preschool/Primary Stu Teaching
- EDUC 349 - Chic/Latin Education
- HIST 212 - World Civilizations:Since 1500
- HIST 270 - The United States to 1877
- HIST 271 - The United States Since 1877
- HIST 333 - History of Chicana/O/X Art &Cu
- HIST 361 - History of Mod Latin America
- HIST 365 - Themes in World History
- HIST 499 - Capstone in History
- LIB 211 - Data Literacy
- MKT 310 - Principles of Marketing
- POLS 150 - American Political Institution
- POLS 306 - Politics of Race & Ethnicity
- POLS 316 - State & Local Politics/Policy
- POLS 335 - Politics and Film
- POLS 402 - Civil Rights & Civil Liberties
- POLS 499 - Capstone
- PSY 150 - Foundations of Child & Adolesc
- UNIV 498 - Faculty-Student Collaborative