Computer Science (COMP)
Show ONLY open courses Show open and closed courses
- COMP 101 - Computer Literacy
- COMP 105 - Introduction to Programming
- COMP 110 - Comp Literacy for Educators
- COMP 122 - Data Struc Algori for Enge Sci
- COMP 150 - Object-Oriented Program
- COMP 151 - Data Struct&Pro Design
- COMP 162 - Computer Arch & Assembly Lang
- COMP 232 - Programming Languages
- COMP 262 - Comp Organization/Architecture
- COMP 317 - Computer Game Design Tools & T
- COMP 324 - Cybersecurity Risk Ethical Hac
- COMP 337 - Survey of Computer Gaming
- COMP 350 - Software Engineering
- COMP 354 - Analysis of Algorithms
- COMP 362 - Operating Systems
- COMP 420 - Database Theory and Design
- COMP 424 - Computer System Security
- COMP 429 - Computer Networks
- COMP 437 - Collaborative Computer Game De
- COMP 445 - Image Analysis & Pattern Recog
- COMP 447 - Societal Issues in Computing
- COMP 449 - Human-Computer Interaction
- COMP 454 - Automata, Lang & Comput
- COMP 470 - Mobile Robotics
- COMP 478 - Introduction to Data Mining
- COMP 491 - Capstone Preparation
- COMP 492 - Internship
- COMP 497 - Directed Studies
- COMP 499 - Capstone Project
- COMP 520 - Advanced Database Systems
- COMP 546 - Pattern Recognition
- COMP 550 - Advanced Software Engineering
- COMP 554 - Algorithms
- COMP 590 - Adv Topics in Computer Science
- COMP 596 - Master Project
- COMP 597 - Master Thesis
- COMP 599 - Graduate Seminar
- COMP 650 - Computing Practice & Prog Edu