CHEM 410 - Advanced Organic Synthesis

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Hours: Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory per week Prerequisites: CHEM 314 and CHEM 315 with a grade of C or better. Examines modern synthetic reactions and approaches in the design of complex organic molecules. The laboratory introduces students to advanced synthetic reactions and techniques, including inert-atmosphere techniques.

Units: 4.00
Grading: Letter Grade

Info has been updated in the last 30 minutes
Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 2133 LEC MW  10:30 AM  -  11:45 AM  Bell Tower 2704 Ahmed Awad Course Closed Class Details In Person Class
1 1A 2134 LAB W  3:00 PM  -  5:50 PM  TBD Ahmed Awad Course Closed Class Details In Person Class

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  • course closed= Course Closed
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  • General Education Class= General Education
  • Extended University Class= Extended University
  • Service Learning Class= Service-Learning
  • In Person Course= In Person Course
  • Asynchronous Online Course= Asynchronous Online Course
  • Synchronous Online Course= Synchronous Online Course
  • Synchronous/Asynchronous Course= Synchronous/Asynchronous Course
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  • Low Cost Course Materials= Low Cost Course Materials