Asynchronous Online Courses
Asynchronous Online: Fully online courses via Canvas with no scheduled meeting times.
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- AFS 202 - Introduction to Africana Stud
- AFS 204 - Intro to African Drumming
- AFS 206 - Introduction to Steel Drumming
- AFS 207 - African American Representatio
- ANTH 102 - Cultural Anthropology
- ANTH 345 - Human Evolution and Diversity
- ANTH 443 - Medical Anthropology
- ARAB 101 - Elementary Arabic I
- ART 102 - Multicultural Children's Art
- ART 220 - Art & Design of Rock and Roll
- ART 231 - The Beatles
- ART 334 - The Business of Art
- ART 338 - Psych of Art and Artists
- ART 382 - Art for Social Media
- ARTH 101 - What Is Art?
- ARTH 201 - Arts Africa Oceania & Americas
- ARTH 333 - History of Chicana/O/X Art &Cu
- ARTH 334 - The Business of Art
- ASTR 107 - The Stars and Beyond
- BIOL 332 - Cancer and Society
- BIOL 333 - Emerge Public Hlth Issues
- BIOL 336 - From Eggs to Embryos
- BIOL 432 - Epidemiology&Environment
- BIOL 503 - Biotech Law and Regulation
- BIOL 590 - Special Topics in Biotechnolog
- BUS 309 - Quantitative Foundatio for Bus
- BUS 310 - Bus Discourse 21 Century Prof
- BUS 320 - Business Operations
- BUS 333 - Nonprofit Management
- BUS 334 - The Business of Art
- BUS 341 - Drug Discovery and Development
- BUS 349 - History of Business/Economics
- BUS 411 - Career Readiness
- BUS 499 - Capstone
- CHEM 110 - Chemistry of Life
- CHEM 341 - Drug Discovery and Development
- CHEM 344 - Energy and Society
- CHEM 481 - Entrepreneurship in Science
- CHS 333 - History of Chicana/O/X Art &Cu
- CHS 343 - Health in Latina/O Community
- CHS 350 - Chicana/O History and Culture
- CHS 353 - Chicana/O Latina/O Literature
- CHS 358 - Chicana/O Latina/O Film & Medi
- COMM 321 - Advanced Intercultural Com
- COMM 333 - Nonprofit Management
- COMM 345 - Media Literacy and Youth
- COMM 350 - Strategic Communication
- COMM 382 - Art for Social Media
- COMM 441 - Health Communication
- COMM 442 - Organizational Communication
- COMP 101 - Computer Literacy
- COMP 337 - Survey of Computer Gaming
- COMP 424 - Computer System Security
- COMP 447 - Societal Issues in Computing
- COMP 449 - Human-Computer Interaction
- DANCE 332 - Dance in History & Culture
- ECON 309 - Quantitative Foundatio for Bus
- ECON 341 - Drug Discovery and Development
- ECON 349 - History of Business/Economics
- ECS 150 - Foundations of Child & Adolesc
- ECS 221 - Child and Family in Diverse Co
- ECS 322 - Early Childhood Prgm Admn
- ECS 463 - Creat Supp Recip Fam Comm Net
- EDUC 320 - Education in Modern Society
- EDUC 345 - Media Literacy and Youth
- EDUC 412 - Equity, Diversity Found School
- EDUC 475 - Language in Social Context
- ENGL 107 - Advanced Composition/Rhetoric
- ENGL 212 - Children's Lit in A Diver Worl
- ENGL 315 - Intro Linguistics for Educator
- ENGL 330 - Interdisciplinary Writing
- ENGL 337 - Literature of the Environment
- ENGL 353 - Chicana/O Latina/O Literature
- ENGL 399 - Editing Studio for Upper-Divis
- ENGL 475 - Language in Social Context
- ENGL 482 - Professional Comm Dig Citzen
- ESRM 100 - Intro Envir Sci/Resource Mgmt
- ESRM 335 - The Beach
- ESRM 342 - Environmental History
- ESRM 494 - Independent Research
- FIN 300 - Business Finance
- FREN 101 - Elementary French I
- HIST 211 - World Civil: Origins to 1500
- HIST 270 - The United States to 1877
- HIST 271 - The United States Since 1877
- HIST 275 - The United States to 1900
- HIST 333 - History of Chicana/O/X Art &Cu
- HIST 340 - Hist & Psychol of Nazi German
- HIST 342 - Environmental History
- HIST 349 - History of Business/Economics
- HIST 350 - Chicana/O History and Culture
- HIST 365 - Themes in World History
- HIST 415 - Society and Radicalism
- HLTH 300 - Nutrition, Exercise Wellness
- HLTH 302 - Health Care Informatics
- HLTH 343 - Health in Latina/O Community
- HLTH 348 - Healthy Aging
- HLTH 490 - Special Topics in Health Scien
- IT 380 - Web Programming
- IT 424 - Computer System Security
- LS 220 - Developing Literacy in Divers
- LS 322 - Health Issues in Education
- LS 499 - Capstone Project
- MATH 331 - History of Mathematics
- MGT 307 - Management of Organizations
- MGT 325 - Entrepreneurial Mmgt
- MGT 326 - Business Ethics
- MGT 424 - Organizational Behavior
- MKT 310 - Principles of Marketing
- MKT 442 - Psychology of Judgment
- MUS 200 - History of Rock
- MUS 204 - Intro to African Drumming
- MUS 206 - Introduction to Steel Drumming
- MUS 231 - The Beatles
- MUS 332 - Music in World Cultures
- MUS 337 - Western Classical Mus to 1750
- MUS 400 - Music Marketing and Management
- NRS 343 - Health in Latina/O Community
- NRS 348 - Healthy Aging
- NRS 441 - Health Communication
- NRS 460 - Leadership, Healthcare Systems
- NRS 508 - Eviden-Based Pract & Qual Impr
- NRS 510 - Healthcare Polic & Nurs Issues
- NRS 520 - Primary Care Across the Lifesp
- NRS 520 - Primary Care Across the Lifesp
- NRS 526 - Primary Care Across the Life
- PA 101 - Intro to the Performing Arts
- PHSC 170 - Foundations in Phys Science
- PHYS 107 - The Stars and Beyond
- PHYS 344 - Energy and Society
- POLS 140 - California Government
- POLS 150 - American Political Institution
- POLS 494 - Independent Research
- PSY 100 - Intro to Psychology
- PSY 213 - Developmental Psychology
- PSY 220 - Human Sexual Behavior
- PSY 300 - Psych Res & Stats Methds I
- PSY 301 - Psych Res & Stats Meth Ii
- PSY 310 - Hist & Systems of Psych
- PSY 312 - Social Psychology
- PSY 313 - Clinical & Abnormal Psych
- PSY 314 - Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSY 315 - Child Psychopathology
- PSY 317 - Theories of Personality
- PSY 318 - Learning, Cognition , Percepti
- PSY 327 - Parenting
- PSY 338 - Psych of Art and Artists
- PSY 340 - Hist & Psychol of Nazi German
- PSY 344 - Psych and Trad Asian Thought
- PSY 346 - Human Motivation
- PSY 370 - Fund of Counseling Theory
- PSY 424 - Organizational Behavior
- PSY 442 - Psychology of Judgment
- PSY 445 - Adolescent Development
- PSY 457 - Criminal Behavior
- PSY 460 - Addiction Studies
- PSY 461 - Special Topics in Development
- PSY 490 - Topics in Psychology
- SOC 100 - Intro to Sociology
- SOC 201 - Social Problems
- SOC 202 - Intro to Research Methods
- SOC 332 - Race and Ethnicity
- SOC 334 - Gender and Sexuality
- SOC 355 - Environmental Sociology
- SOC 382 - Social Demography
- SPAN 101 - Elementary Spanish I
- SPAN 102 - Elementary Spanish Ii
- SPAN 202 - Intermediate Spanish Ii
- SPAN 411 - Civils&Cultrs of Latin Amer
- SPED 345 - Ind with Disabilities
- THTR 333 - Topics in Thtr & Performance S
- THTR 338 - Global Thtr & Perfom Hist Ii