v. to envy; to be jealous of
Sp.: envidia, tener
1. no ’an kiwakan, 'I envy' or 'I am envious.'
2. tšta’aw, mus’ił ’aliwakan, 'he gave something away as a present, he is not an envier.'
3. no ’an kiwakanus loka’at̓axatš, 'I am envious of that man.'
4. k̓ał’alax̓ut̓u, 'I am a envier.'
Cross References:
  • aqtšum to like; to take a liking to
Notes: At least the nominalized form of this verb was archaic at the time Harrington recorded it. The nominalized form ’ał’alax̓ut̓u was the common way to indicate that someone was 'an envier.'
Ref: 89.106, 220.1

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