vt. to counsel
Var.: (alumul-, alumuw-)
1. lokasihinwot ’an tsalumuwuswu lokasʰinku, 'the chief counseled the people.'
2. palumuwus loka’aluqtiyǝw, 'thou shalt counsel him who needs it.'
3. tsalumulit ’an ts̓ipit kʰan pqisǝnwu hał’at̓axt̓axa’atš ’an mupwatinowo ’apitaq hał’iy’ip̓ipʰpi, 'my grandmother counseled me not to suddenly stand by a bunch of men to listen what they are talking about.'
Morph.: [<al- (stat) + umu (bring to) + -n (vz.ii)>]
Cross References: Ref: 89.275.3-4

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