Southern California Conferences for Undergraduate Research

Southern California Conferences for Undergraduate Research

Browse Cultural Studies Abstracts

Name Title
Albert, Mirian Latin American Women Writers: The Journey to obtain a VOICE!
Compton, Ashley Case Study of the Impact of the Hip Hop Music Industry on the Labor Market Outcomes of African American Women
Gonzales, Matthew The Reader as Detective: Intertextuality in Roberto Bolaño's The Savage Detectives
Kwong, Kelsey Dites-Moi La Vérité, Monsieur Giono!
Lee, Angela Impact of Culture on Taiwanese Children’s Social Development and Emotion Regulation
Lin, Wan-Hsuan Minnie Impact of Culture on Taiwanese Children’s Social Development and Emotion Regulation
Luttrull, Miles Whiteness in Crisis: Eruptions White Masculine Identity Reclamation in Commercial Advertising
NA, NA Case Study of the Impact of the Hip Hop Music Industry on the Labor Market Outcomes of African American Women
Wong, Nicole How Increased Educational Funding in the 60s Engendered the Hippie Philosophy