Dynamics (EMEC)

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EMEC 231 - Dynamics

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 2038 LEC MW  12:00 PM  -  1:15 PM  Sierra Hall 1121 Scott Feister Course Open Class Details In Person Class

EMEC 305 - Thermal & Statistical Physics

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 1776 LEC MW  3:00 PM  -  4:15 PM  Sierra Hall 2131 Gregory Wood Course Open Class Details Course Textbook Information In Person Class

EMEC 310 - Electronics

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 1773 LEC M  9:00 AM  -  11:50 AM  Sierra Hall 2141 Brian Rasnow Course Open Class Details Course Textbook Information In Person Class
1 1A 1774 ACT W  9:00 AM  -  10:50 AM  Sierra Hall 2141 Brian Rasnow Course Open Class Details Course Textbook Information In Person Class

EMEC 311 - Digital Systems Design

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 2049 LEC T  12:00 PM  -  1:50 PM  Sierra Hall 1432 Vida Vakilian Course Open Class Details In Person Class
1 1L 2050 LAB TH  12:00 PM  -  2:50 PM  Sierra Hall 1432 Vida Vakilian Course Open Class Details In Person Class

EMEC 315 - Modeling Mechatronics Systems

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 2051 LEC MW  3:00 PM  -  4:15 PM  Sierra Hall 1232 Bahareh Abbasi Course Open Class Details In Person Class

EMEC 325 - Engineering Design

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 2052 LEC T  9:00 AM  -  10:50 AM  Sierra Hall 1432 Vida Vakilian Course Open Class Details In Person Class
1 1L 2053 LAB TH  8:00 AM  -  10:50 AM  Ojai Hall 1952 Vida Vakilian Course Open Class Details In Person Class

EMEC 462 - Embedded Systems

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 2013 LEC T  2:00 PM  -  3:50 PM  Sierra Hall 1432 Kurt Zierhut Course Open Class Details In Person Class
1 1L 2014 LAB TH  3:00 PM  -  5:50 PM  Sierra Hall 1432 Kurt Zierhut Course Open Class Details In Person Class

EMEC 470 - Mobile Robotics

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EMEC 491 - Capstone Preparation

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 2228 SEM ARR Online Bahareh Abbasi Course Open Class Details Asynchronous Online Class
1 03 2581 SEM ARR Online Vida Vakilian Course Open Class Details Asynchronous Online Class

EMEC 499 - Capstone

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 03 2582 ACT ARR Online Vida Vakilian Course Open Class Details Asynchronous Online Class

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  • General Education Class= General Education
  • Extended University Class= Extended University
  • Service Learning Class= Service-Learning
  • In Person Course= In Person Course
  • Asynchronous Online Course= Asynchronous Online Course
  • Synchronous Online Course= Synchronous Online Course
  • Synchronous/Asynchronous Course= Synchronous/Asynchronous Course
  • No Cost Course Materials= No Cost Course Materials
  • Low Cost Course Materials= Low Cost Course Materials