Introduction to Chicana/O Stud (CHS)

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CHS 100 - Introduction to Chicana/O Stud

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 02 1521 LEC MW  3:00 PM  -  4:15 PM  Bell Tower 2572 Raul Moreno Campos Course Open Class Details In Person Class
1 03 1522 LEC TTH  10:30 AM  -  11:45 AM  Bell Tower 2515 Raul Moreno Campos Course Closed Class Details In Person Class
1 04 2622 LEC Online Elias Serna Course Open Class Details Asynchronous Online Class

CHS 150 - Introduction to Ethnic Studies

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 2458 LEC TTH  4:00 PM  -  5:15 PM  Bell Tower 2505 Eva Vines Course Open Class Details In Person Class

CHS 160 - Chicana/O Cultural Expressions

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 1523 LEC ARR Online Elizabeth Villa Course Open Class Details Asynchronous Online Class

CHS 200 - Diversity in Latina/O Communit

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 1524 LEC MW  12:00 PM  -  1:15 PM  Ojai Hall 1986 Raul Moreno Campos Course Open Class Details In Person Class
1 02 1525 LEC ARR Online Raul Moreno Campos Course Open Class Details Asynchronous Online Class

CHS 315 - Nahuatl Language and Philosoph

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CHS 331 - Interdisciplinary Writing Chs

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 1529 LEC MW  1:30 PM  -  2:45 PM  Bell Tower 2505 Nicholas Centino Course Open Class Details Course Textbook Information In Person Class

CHS 333 - History of Chicana/O/X Art &Cu

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 2399 LEC ARR Online Theresa Avila Course Closed Class Details General Education Class Asynchronous Online Class
1 02 2400 LEC ARR Online Theresa Avila Course Closed Class Details General Education Class Asynchronous Online Class

CHS 335 - Chicana Feminisms

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 1532 LEC TTH  1:00 PM  -  2:15 PM  Del Norte Hall 1545 Karina Chavarria Course Open Class Details Course Textbook Information General Education Class In Person Class

CHS 343 - Health in Latina/O Community

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 1488 LEC ARR Online Cibonay Jimenez Course Closed Class Details Course Textbook Information General Education Class Asynchronous Online Class
1 02 1489 LEC ARR Online Cibonay Jimenez Course Closed Class Details Course Textbook Information General Education Class Asynchronous Online Class
1 03 1490 LEC ARR Online Cibonay Jimenez Course Open Class Details Course Textbook Information General Education Class Asynchronous Online Class
1 04 2647 LEC ARR Online Cibonay Jimenez Course Open Class Details Course Textbook Information General Education Class Asynchronous Online Class

CHS 350 - Chicana/O History and Culture

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 1477 LEC TTH  1:00 PM  -  2:15 PM  Bell Tower 1688 Elias Serna Course Open Class Details Course Textbook Information In Person Class
1 02 1509 LEC TTH  9:00 AM  -  10:15 AM  Del Norte Hall 1535 Jose Alamillo Course Open Class Details Course Textbook Information In Person Class

CHS 353 - Chicana/O Latina/O Literature

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 2260 LEC TTH  10:30 AM  -  11:45 AM  Bell Tower 1424 Georgina Guzman Course Open Class Details General Education Class Service Learning Class In Person Class
1 02 2261 LEC ARR Online Georgina Guzman Course Closed Class Details General Education Class Asynchronous Online Class

CHS 370 - Central American Studies

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 1533 LEC W  9:00 AM  -  11:45 AM  Ojai Hall 1986 Raul Moreno Campos Course Open Class Details In Person Class

CHS 383 - Chicana/O Latina/O Identity

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 1513 LEC M  4:30 PM  -  7:20 PM  Bell Tower 2582 Nicholas Centino Course Open Class Details Course Textbook Information In Person Class

CHS 445 - Chicano Child & Adolescent

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 2120 LEC TH  1:00 PM  -  3:50 PM  Online Luz Herrera Course Open Class Details Synchronous Online Class

CHS 491 - Theo Found Chicana/O Studies

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 1534 LEC W  3:00 PM  -  5:50 PM  Sierra Hall 1111 Jennie Luna Course Closed Class Details Course Textbook Information In Person Class

CHS 492 - Internship in Chicana/O Studie

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 1536 ACT ARR Online Nicholas Centino Course Open Class Details Asynchronous Online Class

Key for Course Detail Icons

  • Course open= Course Open
  • course closed= Course Closed
  • course details= Course Details
  • textbook info= Textbook Info
  • General Education Class= General Education
  • Extended University Class= Extended University
  • Service Learning Class= Service-Learning
  • In Person Course= In Person Course
  • Asynchronous Online Course= Asynchronous Online Course
  • Synchronous Online Course= Synchronous Online Course
  • Synchronous/Asynchronous Course= Synchronous/Asynchronous Course
  • No Cost Course Materials= No Cost Course Materials
  • Low Cost Course Materials= Low Cost Course Materials