Biology (BIOL)
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- BIOL 210 - Human Anatomy and Phys I
- BIOL 211 - Human Anatomy and Phys Ii
- BIOL 303 - Evolutionary Biology
- BIOL 304 - Animal Physiology
- BIOL 316 - Invertebrate Zoology
- BIOL 336 - From Eggs to Embryos
- BIOL 433 - Ecology & the Environment
- BIOL 435 - Ethnobotany
- BIOL 502 - Techniques Genomics/Proteomics
- BIOL 503 - Biotech Law and Regulation
- BIOL 504 - Molec Cell Biology
- BIOL 505 - Molecular Structure
- BIOL 510 - Tissue Culture Techniques Stem
- BIOL 518 - Adv Topics in Cell & Molecular
- BIOL 597 - Directed Study
- BIOL 602 - Stem Cell Tech Internship