English (ENGL)
Show ONLY open courses Show open and closed courses
- ENGL 102 - Strat of Successful College Wr
- ENGL 105 - Composition and Rhetoric
- ENGL 107 - Advanced Composition/Rhetoric
- ENGL 110 - Introduction to Comparative Et
- ENGL 160 - Genre Fiction
- ENGL 210 - Themes & Theories in World Lit
- ENGL 212 - Children's Lit in A Diver Worl
- ENGL 220 - American Literature Ii
- ENGL 240 - Literary Genres in Translation
- ENGL 250 - British and European Lit
- ENGL 281 - Script Analysis Stage & Screen
- ENGL 299 - Writing with Clarity and Power
- ENGL 315 - Intro to Language, Structure
- ENGL 325 - Major Non-West Authors
- ENGL 326 - Maj British & European Authors
- ENGL 327 - Major American Authors
- ENGL 330 - Interdisciplinary Writing
- ENGL 337 - Literature of the Environment
- ENGL 338 - Science and Conscience
- ENGL 349 - Literature of American Culture
- ENGL 353 - Chicana/O Latina/O Literature
- ENGL 360 - Literary Theory
- ENGL 362 - Writing in Action
- ENGL 380 - Visual Rhetoric in A Connected
- ENGL 382 - User Experience for Social Jus
- ENGL 399 - Editing Studio for Upper-Divis
- ENGL 410 - Shakespeare's Plays
- ENGL 430 - Tradition and Transformation
- ENGL 433 - Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgend
- ENGL 461 - Fiction Writing
- ENGL 466 - Screenwriting
- ENGL 475 - Language in Social Context
- ENGL 477 - Young Adult Literature
- ENGL 478 - Writing As Reflective Practice
- ENGL 483 - Profess Comm Age Soc Media
- ENGL 492 - Internship
- ENGL 499 - Capstone Project/Sr Seminar