Chicano Studies (CHS)
Show ONLY open courses Show open and closed courses
- CHS 100 - Introduction to Chicana/O Stud
- CHS 150 - Introduction to Ethnic Studies
- CHS 160 - Chicana/O Cultural Expressions
- CHS 200 - Diversity in Latina/O Communit
- CHS 315 - Nahuatl Language and Philosoph
- CHS 331 - Interdisciplinary Writing Chs
- CHS 335 - Chicana Feminisms
- CHS 343 - Health in Latina/O Community
- CHS 345 - Latinx Children's Literature
- CHS 349 - Chic/Latin Education
- CHS 350 - Chicana/O History and Culture
- CHS 353 - Chicana/O Latina/O Literature
- CHS 370 - Central American Studies
- CHS 383 - Chicana/O Latina/O Identity
- CHS 402 - So Ca Chicano/A Hist & Culture
- CHS 445 - Chicano Child & Adolescent
- CHS 460 - Latina/O Politics
- CHS 491 - Theo Found Chicana/O Studies
- CHS 492 - Internship in Chicana/O Studie