PHYS 305 - Thermal & Statistical Physics

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Hours: Three hours lecture per week Prerequisite: PHYS 201 and MATH 350 Description: Addresses the behavior of energy and matter in systems having a great many particles. Includes both classical and quantum mechanical views of physical systems and begins with the basic concepts of probability and statistics. Particular emphasis will be placed on simple model systems for which quantitative results can be obtained and compared to experiment, such as ideal gases and quantum mechanical spin systems. The course includes the statistics of the microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical ensembles; the relation between classical and quantum statistical mechanics; the Planck distribution, bosons, fermions, and doped semiconductors, among others; and an introduction to kinetic theory.

Units: 3.00
Grading: Letter Grade

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1 01 1744 LEC MW  3:00 PM  -  4:15 PM  Sierra Hall 2131 Gregory Wood Course Open Class Details In Person Class

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