MUS 103 - Piano Skills I

Show Details for Open Courses Only


Hours: Two hours activity per week Prerequisite: MUS 161 Description: Designed for students without any prior musical experience. Topics include: hand position, keyboard technique, demonstration of major and minor diatonic scales, pentatonic and blues scales, root position chords, jazz modes, and sight-reading music.

Units: 1.00
Grading: Letter Grade

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Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 1A 2141 ACT W  12:00 PM  -  1:50 PM  Malibu Hall 0130 Malia Roberson Course Closed Class Details In Person Class

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  • course closed= Course Closed
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  • General Education Class= General Education
  • Extended University Class= Extended University
  • Service Learning Class= Service-Learning
  • In Person Course= In Person Course
  • Asynchronous Online Course= Asynchronous Online Course
  • Synchronous Online Course= Synchronous Online Course
  • Synchronous/Asynchronous Course= Synchronous/Asynchronous Course
  • No Cost Course Materials= No Cost Course Materials
  • Low Cost Course Materials= Low Cost Course Materials