SPED 560 - Access to Learning: Indiv Diff

Show Details for Open Courses Only


Hours: Two hours lecture per week Prerequisite: Admission to the Single Subject Teaching Credential Program Description: Focuses on methods and techniques for identifying and teaching culturally diverse students with special needs, including gifted and talented students, and the unique issues associated with integrating students with special needs in secondary settings.

Units: 2.00
Grading: Letter Grade

Info has been updated in the last 30 minutes
Session Section Class # Type Days Time Location Instructor Course Details [Key]
1 01 1938 LEC M  5:00 PM  -  6:50 PM  Del Norte Hall 1555 Janet Conner Course Open Class Details In Person Class
1 02 2784 LEC M  5:00 PM  -  6:50 PM  By Arrangement Janet Conner Course Open Class Details In Person Class

Key for Course Detail Icons

  • Course open= Course Open
  • course closed= Course Closed
  • course details= Course Details
  • textbook info= Textbook Info
  • General Education Class= General Education
  • Extended University Class= Extended University
  • Service Learning Class= Service-Learning
  • In Person Course= In Person Course
  • Asynchronous Online Course= Asynchronous Online Course
  • Synchronous Online Course= Synchronous Online Course
  • Synchronous/Asynchronous Course= Synchronous/Asynchronous Course
  • No Cost Course Materials= No Cost Course Materials
  • Low Cost Course Materials= Low Cost Course Materials