COMM 305 - Qualit Research & Writ Methods


Hours: Three hours lecture per week Prerequisite: COMM 205 Description: Building research and writing skills learned in COMM 205, focuses on advanced qualitative methodologies: interviews, focus groups, autoethnography, and participant observations to explain communication-related processes. Over course of semester, students will learn to write effectively in field of Communication and will conceptualize and implement an empirical research project of their own design. Students must earn a C- or better to fulfill the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).

Meeting Information

Info current as 9/18/2024
Days Times Room Meeting Dates Instructor
TTH  9:00 AM  -  10:15 AM  Bell Tower 1602 8/19/2023 - 12/9/2023 Joseph Boyd Barrett

Status: Open
Class Number: 1825
Session: Regular Academic Session
Units: 3.00
Class Components: Lecture
Career: Undergraduate
Dates: 8/19/2023 - 12/9/2023
Grading: Letter Grade

Class Availability

Information below is 24 hours old.
Enrollment Total: 23
Available Seats: 7
Wait List Capacity: 5
Wait List Total: 0

Textbook / Other Materials

Status: Required
ISBN: 9781529765205
Title: The How To of Qualitative Research
Publisher: Sage Publications, Incorporate
Author: Aurini

Status: Required
ISBN: 9781529765205
Title: The How To of Qualitative Research
Publisher: Sage Publications, Incorporate
Author: Aurini

Status: Required
ISBN: 9781529765205
Title: The How To of Qualitative Research
Publisher: Sage Publications, Incorporate
Author: Aurini

Status: Required
ISBN: 9781526495044
Title: How to of Qualitative Research
Publisher: Sage Publications, Incorporate
Author: Aurini

Status: Required
ISBN: 9781529765205
Title: The How To of Qualitative Research
Publisher: Sage Publications, Incorporate
Author: Aurini

More textbook information including prices

Enrollment Information

  • Upper Division
  • Includes any In Person Meeting
  • GWAR


Prerequisite course required. Consult CSUCI Catalog