SOC 499 - Capstone


Hours: Three hours lecture per week Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in Sociology Description: Complete a research project based on a specific area in the discipline of sociology. Research projects may incorporate service to an area agency.

Meeting Information

Info current as 9/18/2024
Days Times Room Meeting Dates Instructor
MW  6:00 PM  -  7:15 PM  Del Norte Hall 1545 8/19/2023 - 12/9/2023 Jennifer Berry

Status: Closed
Class Number: 1741
Session: Regular Academic Session
Units: 3.00
Class Components: Lecture
Career: Undergraduate
Dates: 8/19/2023 - 12/9/2023
Grading: Letter Grade

Class Availability

Information below is 24 hours old.
Enrollment Total: 18
Available Seats: 0
Wait List Capacity: 10
Wait List Total: 0

Enrollment Information

  • Upper Division
  • Capstone Course
  • Includes any In Person Meeting


Prerequisite course required. Consult CSUCI Catalog