PSY 310 - Hist & Systems of Psych


Hours: Three hours lecture per week Prerequisites: Upper Division standing or consent of the instructor This course examines the historical development of psychological thought and methodology, from its origins in philosophy, its attempts to emulate the natural sciences, through the Diaspora of contemporary psychological thought. The major schools of psychology will be explored in context of their philosophical, cultural and ethical influences.

Meeting Information

Info current as 9/19/2024
Days Times Room Meeting Dates Instructor
MW  4:30 PM  -  5:45 PM  Del Norte Hall 2550 8/20/2022 - 12/10/2022 Susan Beers

Status: Open
Class Number: 1749
Session: Regular Academic Session
Units: 3.00
Class Components: Lecture
Career: Undergraduate
Dates: 8/20/2022 - 12/10/2022
Grading: Letter Grade

Class Availability

Information below is 24 hours old.
Enrollment Total: 35
Available Seats: 6
Wait List Capacity: 10
Wait List Total: 0

Textbook / Other Materials

Status: Required
ISBN: 9781285692289
Title: An Introduction to the History of Psychology
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Author: Hergenhahn

Status: Required
ISBN: 9781133958093
Title: Intro to History of Psychology
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Author: Hergenhahn

Status: Required
ISBN: 9781285692289
Title: An Introduction to the History of Psychology
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Author: Henley

Status: Required
ISBN: 9781285692289
Title: An Introduction to the History of Psychology
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Author: Henley

More textbook information including prices

Enrollment Information

  • Upper Division
  • Includes any In Person Meeting