Important: Required fields are marked with an * asterisk.
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Dolphin Password Rules

Your Dolphin Password will expire after 365 days.

Your Dolphin Password must meet the following guidelines:

  1. The password MUST:
    1. Contain the following four categories:
      • At least one Uppercase letter (A - Z)
      • At lease one Lowercase letter (a - z)
      • At least one Number (0-9)
      • At least one Punctuation, symbols or special characters
    2. Contain eight characters or more
  2. The password CANNOT CONTAIN:
    • A derivative of the Dolphin ID and/or Dolphin Name
    • A common word, phrase or number sequence (e.g., password, 123)
  3. The last 12 passwords cannot be reused
More password security tips
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