Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of Southern California, 2013
BS Mathematics, University of California Santa Barbara, 2007
Dr. Bañuelos arrived at CSUCI in Fall 2014. She earned her B.S. in Mathematics from UC Santa Barbara in 2007 and her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Southern California (USC) in 2013.
Her research interests lie in the fields of differential and difference equations, dynamical systems and its applications to mathematical biology. Her projects have been in multi-patch migration models, epidemiology, and the dynamics of sleep. She has received grants from the Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics, and the Preparing Undergraduates through Mentoring towards PhDs (PUMP) program to carry out research with undergraduate students.
Dr. Bañuelos is committed to increasing the access to higher education in STEM fields for women and historically underrepresented minorities. Dr. Bañuelos is a regular SACNAS annual conference participant, judge, and session organizer. She is also a co-advisor for the SACNAS at CI student chapter. Dr. Bañuelos is a mentor for the national Math Alliance, whose goal is “to increase the number of doctoral degrees in the mathematical sciences among groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in those fields.” She is also a mentor and advisor in the CSU Alliance Pump Program.
Since Fall 2021, Dr. Bañuelos has been serving as Associate Director of the Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM) housed in UCLA. IPAM is one of six NSF-funded math institutes in the U.S.A.
Representative Courses Taught
- MATH 310 Transition to Higher Mathematics
- MATH 240 Linear Algebra
Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Modeling