B.A. English, with an emphasis in Creative Writing, Florida State University, 1992
M.A. English, with an emphasis in Creative Writing, Northern Arizona University, 1996
Ph.D. English, with an emphasis in Literature and Criticism, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2012
Sean Carswell started at CSUCI in 2004 as a lecturer in the University department, teaching critical thinking courses. He has since moved into the English program, where he has taught about twenty different courses. He was hired on the tenure track in 2012 and earned tenure in 2017. Prior to working at CI, he taught writing and literature courses at the University of Redlands, Northern Arizona University, and East Los Angeles College.
He is the author of seven books: the novels Drinks for the Little Guy (1999), Train Wreck Girl (2008), and Madhouse Fog (2013); the short story collections Glue and Ink Rebellion (2002), Barney’s Crew (2005), and The Metaphysical Ukulele (2016); and the monograph Occupy Pynchon: Politics after Gravity's Rainbow (2017). He has studied the works of Thomas Pynchon extensively. The focus of his scholarship expands to more general areas of gender studies (particularly as it relates to masculinity) and social justice movements in opposition to neoliberalism.
Representative Courses Taught
- ENGL 330 Interdisciplinary Writing
- ENGL 325 Major Non-Western Authors
- ENGL 327 Major American Authors
- ENGL 338 Science and Conscience
- ENGL 461 Fiction Writing
Additional Teaching and Research Information
- An essay on Pynchon’s Vineland in the international journal of Pynchon studies.
- The class blog/wiki from a Fall 2012 course on Thomas Pynchon’s Against the Day.
- A course Tumblr site from a Spring 2013 course on Haruki Murakami focusing on A Wild Sheep Chase.
- A course Tumblr site from a Spring 2013 course on Haruki Murakami focusing on Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, 1.
- A course Tumblr site from a Spring 2013 course on Haruki Murakami focusing on Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, 2.
- A course Tumblr site from a Spring 2013 course on Haruki Murakami focusing on Norwegian Wood, 1.
- A course Tumblr site from a Spring 2013 course on Haruki Murakami focusing on Norwegian Wood, 2.
- A course Pinterest site from a Spring 2013 course on Haruki Murakami focusing on The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.
- A course Tumblr site from a Spring 2013 course on Haruki Murakami focusing on The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.
- Sean Carswell’s author web site.