Ph.D. Cognitive Psychology, UC Santa Cruz, 2019
M.S. Cognitive Psychology, UC Santa Cruz, 2016
B.A. Psychology, CSU Channel Islands, 2014
Working in CSUCI’s academic community represents a homecoming for Peter A. Krause (He/Him/His). Dr. Krause grew up in nearby Santa Paula and attended CSUCI as a nontraditional student, completing his first psychology degree in this very department just shy of age 31. He completed his PhD studies at UC Santa Cruz, where his views on mind came to be informed by situated and embodied cognition, dynamical systems theory, and recurrent neural networks. He currently studies speech planning and control from a situated and embodied perspective, using motion-tracked facial video.
More specifically, Dr. Krause’s recent work looks at the boundary where speech intention becomes speech action. How, when, and under what conditions are speech plans realized as articulatory and acoustic events? Dr. Krause’s results suggest that even fragmentary plans of what to say next can measurably influence the set of the lips, long before the high-speed movements traditionally associated with articulation kick in. These “early” embodied anticipations arise not just in controlled laboratory tasks but in unstructured natural conversation. One possible explanation is that speakers control (i.e., gate, or throttle) the flow from intention to action in real time. Such a mechanism might benefit inter-speaker coordination during conversation. This possibility is theoretically important, since models of speech production have historically concerned themselves only with how actions are coordinated within utterances, thus ignoring the communicative context in which speech usually occurs.
Representative Courses Taught
- PSY 300 Research Methods and Statistics I
- PSY 301 Research Methods and Statistics II
- PSY 310 History and Systems of Psychology
- PSY 314 Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSY 318 Learning, Cognition, and Perception
Psycholinguistics, Phonetics, Speech Science, Articulation, Motion tracking