Photo of Minder Chen
Professor: Management Information Systems

Contact Information


Ph.D. Management Information Systems, University of Arizona, 1988
M.B.A., National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, R.O.C., 1983
B.S. Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C., 1979


Minder Chen received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1979, an M.B.A. from National Chiao Tung University in 1983, and a Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the University of Arizona in 1988.

He is currently full Professor of Management Information Systems in the Martin V. Smith School of Business and Economics at California State University Channel Islands. His primary research interests include service management, electronic commerce, Web services, business reengineering, innovation, collaboration technologies and virtual teams, IT offshore outsourcing, and object-oriented systems development methodology. He has published papers in Service Science, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Management Information Systems, Database, Journal of Organizational Computing, Expert Systems with Applications, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, International Journal of Human Computer Studies, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Journal of Small Group Research, Information Systems Management, Industrial Management and Data Systems, and IEEE Software.

He served as the founding co-editor-in-chief of Service Science journal from 2009 to 2012 and is currently an advisory member of the journal. He is an Associate Editor of Electronic Commerce Research Journal and was the Program Co-Chair of the Third Workshop of E-Business 2004. He gave a keynote speech on design sciences research at the 18th International Conference on Information Management, Taipei in 2007. He gave a keynote speech on "XML Web Services and E-Business" at a pre-conference session sponsored by Microsoft at the ICIS in 2002.

He served as co-guest-editor of the March 1992 IEEE Software special issue on Integrated CASE and co-guest-editor of a special issue on Web Services and Electronic Commerce at the Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. He was the only speaker on "XML Web Services and E-Business" at a pre-conference session of ICIS 2002 in Spain, sponsored by Microsoft. He was the Program Co-Chair of the Third Workshop of E-Business, Dec. 11, 2004. He delivered the keynote speech at the International Conference on Information Management (ICIM 2007), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2007.

Representative Courses Taught

  • MIS 310 Management Information Systems
  • BUS 550 The Contemporary Firm
  • MGT 471 Project Management
  • MGT 307 The Management of Organizations
  • BUS 527 Special Topics in Entrepreneurial Management (Creativity and Innovation for Business and IT)



Business process reengineering, group decision support systems (GDSS), Web technologies and electronic commerce, systems development methodologies and CASE tools, virtualization, IT service management, IT governance, Web services and SOA, IT outsourcing, I-Ching (The Book of Changes) and Management, Service Sciences, Innovation and creativity

Additional Teaching and Research Information

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