v. to tie together so as to close a space between two items
1. kʰqałtsuteqpeywu, 'I tie it together tight' (said of tying one box tight to another, mending a crack by tying it).
Morph.: [<qal̓- (instr.together) + t (epth) + su- (caus) + teqpey (adhere; stick to)>]
Cross References:
1. kʰqałtsuteqpeywu, 'I tie it together tight' (said of tying one box tight to another, mending a crack by tying it).
Morph.: [<qal̓- (instr.together) + t (epth) + su- (caus) + teqpey (adhere; stick to)>]
Cross References:
- pey to smear; to tar; to spread on
- suteqpey to hitch/connect (as in when attaching a wagon to horses); to glue to
- teqpey to adhere; to stick to