v. to be bent; to be stoop shouldered
1. kp̓ow, 'I have [my] body bent forward like stoopshouldered.'
2. tsp̓ow ’išni, 'he has a leaning forward neck.'
3. ’ałpow ’išni, 'his head is forward-leaning' (said of a more habitual state, an on-going state).
4. lamit̓i ’isp̓ow, 'it is just a little crooked.'
5. tsp̓ow ’išnuxš, 'he has a Jewish/Roman nose' ; 'its nose is bent/crooked.'
6. kikǝ ’an ki’ałp̓ow, 'we are stoop-shouldered.'
7. tsp̓ow hesipon̓, 'this board is bend.'
Cross References: Ref: 89.413.2-415.3; 90.243.4; 93.61.2

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